
The first workshop for children held in Zagreb

In mid-March, the Cyclists' Union held a workshop on safe bicycle riding for 5th-grade students of the Odra Elementary School....


Primary schools in Trnava will receive floor bicycle racks for hundreds of bicycles

Trnava, located in western Slovakia, is investing in cycling infrastructure by purchasing nearly 300 bike racks across 8 elementary schools....


24th Panhellenic Conference Of Physical Education And Sports

European projects in the field of active travel and sports SafeCycle4Kids concept is based on two principles that will increase....


23rd Sports and Recreation Management Conference

Safe cycling training provision as an enabler of cycling uptake by kids: mapping of policies and lessons learned ....



Bike-Trains in Portugal (Bicicultura). Our partner in Portugal brings us a little of their reality related to the SafeCycling4Kids project....


SafeCycle4Kids Presentation

The presentation highlights the SafeCycle4Kids initiative, which receives funding from the European Erasmus+ program....


Kick off meeting

In Thessaloniki on January 19, 2023, the SafeCycle4Kids kick off meeting was held, to further determine the objectives and structure of the project...
